Partner with us two ways

Measure with sample kits

Sample your land using the TSIP sampling kit, understand your land's carbon stocks, and contribute to research attributing soil carbon stocks to farm management. Sampling kits are available for purchase now. Contact us for access to the TSIP web and mobile application suite.Purchase Kit →

Use the TSIP web dashboard to generate sampling designs

Outline your fields and record management information on the TSIP web dashboard. The TSIP mobile app will guide you through sample collection in the field.

Sample your field

Sample soil with our lightweight soil harvester. Navigate to sampling locations using the TSIP mobile app. Geolocate your soil samples by scanning QR coded sample bags in the field. When your inventory is complete, send your samples to our laboratory partner.

Receive your soil carbon analysis

When TSIP recieves your lab results, we will send you a report including your data, summary statistics, and visualizations of your carbon stocks.

We model the data

Modeling accounts for soil type, land management, and land use history. TSIP will produce dynamic regional practice baselines, quantifying land management impacts, and project scale soil carbon change over time. When publically available, these data-driven performance-benchmarked baselines will revolutionize the way producers are rewarded for climate smart agriculture.

TSIP Sampling App Available Now

The TSIP sampling mobile app allows anyone to collect soil samples and receive measurements on their lands. Available now in the App Store and Google Play Store as TSIP Field. Contact us to get started.